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Causes for high blood sugar in type 2 diabetes

Blood sugar is increased by inadequately treated type 2 diabetes and situations that increase the need for insulin or reduce its effect.

Type 2 diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder. In some cases, the condition is defined by overweight or obesity, the related reduced effect of insulin in tissues and an increased need for insulin. In some cases, the condition is defined by reduced insulin production.

In type 2 diabetes, the reasons for increased blood sugar are the same as in diabetes in general. Depending on the individual, they may include:

  • A meal rich in absorbed carbohydrates

  • Consuming too much energy and weight gain

  • Fatty degeneration of the liver and increased need for insulin

  • Reduced physical activity or prolonged bed rest

  • Various forms of stress or pain and related sleep disorders

  • Acute other medical conditions or injuries

  • The acute exacerbation of asthma

  • Infections and inflammations

  • Cortisone tablets or injections

In situations like these, you need to make positive lifestyle changes and/or step up the blood sugar medicine treatment.

Body's own nsulin secretion can decline

In most type 2 diabetes cases, the body’s own ability to produce insulin deteriorates over the years and decades. Previously, it was common that insulin therapy was needed to control blood sugar roughly after ten years of living with the condition. Now, the situation is changing, due to effective lifestyle changes and new medicine treatments adopted in the last few years.

Keeping your blood sugar level and weight as close to the recommended targets as possible you can ensure that the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin is as optimal as possible.

Initially slow-developing insulin deficiency?

Part of those, who are identified to have LADA diabetes, have originally been diagnosed to have type 2 diabetes. But, a few years after their initial diagnosis, it is determined that, due to insulin deficiency, tablets alone are no longer enough to keep the blood sugar level within the target range. Then, it is time to switch to insulin therapy and update the diagnosis based on the new information.

Updated 30.9.2023