The emergency response centre will assess the need for help

The emergency response centre is the first official to begin coordinating aid. They receive requests, instruct those on the scene, and dispatch help as necessary.

You should always call the emergency number 112 in an urgent, actual emergency when someone’s life, health, or property or the environment is in jeopardy, or if you suspect this may be the case.

Only one emergency number, 112, is used in Finland.

You can call 112 even if your cell phone uses a foreign service provider. There is no need to dial a country or area code. The emergency number 112 is toll free and requires no area code in all EU countries.

Dialling the emergency number

If the emergency number is temporarily busy, do not hang up! You will hear a recording instructing you to wait on the line for a moment. Emergency calls will be picked up as quickly as possible, always in the order they are placed.

When you call the emergency number 112:
  • Answer questions
  • Follow the instructions you are given
  • End the call only when permitted to do so

During the phone call, the emergency response centre operator will assess the urgency of the need for help based on the information given, and send the appropriate help to the scene. The emergency response centre has no obligation to dispatch an ambulance to a destination simply on request; they will always make the decision to dispatch based on a risk assessment.

Emergency medical services urgency classification

need for help; risk assessment; urgency; emergency number; calling for help; emergency situation; emergency medical services


Updated  13.10.2022