Health Village's service providers and partners
Health Village is a service developed and maintained by top social and healthcare experts. It is closely linked to university research, which guarantees the reliability of care and information. Building the services involves cooperation with national e-health service development projects, patients and patient organizations as well as with different higher education institutions.
Health Village's producers
Health Village's services are developed in collaboration with the Finnish University Hospitals (HUS, KYS, OYS, TAYS and TYKS). HUS acts as a producer of Health Village's ICT services.
Organizations that use Health Village services as a part of their healthcare service chain
Health Village's partners
Health Village's services are developed in collaboration with experts who develop national e-health services, various projects, patient organizations and healthcare experts. Health Village's services are developed and the effects are continuously examined in collaboration with universities, research institutes and educational institutions. Other partners include companies in the industry and software providers.
A-klinikkasäätiö, Dopinglinkki (
Aalto University (
The Finnish Brain Association (
The Finnish Diabetes Association (
Filha ry (
University of Helsinki (
Hotus - Nursing Research Foundation (
HyTe ry (
Kuntoutussäätiö (, in Finnish)
Duodecim Publishing Company Ltd (
Finnish Movement Disorders Association (
MIELI Mental Health Finland (
MS-hoitajat ry (, in Finnish)
OLKA activities (
Parisuhdekeskus Kataja (, in Finnish)
The Finnish Psoriasis Association (
Finnish Rheumatism Association (
Savonia University of Applied Sciences (
The Finnish Spinal Health Association (
SotePeda 24/7 (, in Finnish)
Finnish Social and Health Informatics Association - FinnSHIA ry (
Suomen Haavanhoitoyhdistys ry (, in Finnish)
Suomen Luustoliitto ry (, in Finnish)
Suomen migreeniyhdistys ry (, in Finnish)
Suomen Nivelyhdistys ry (, in Finnish)
Sydänliitto (, in Finnish)
Association of Cancer Patients in Finland (
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (