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Omaolo symptom assessment

Conduct a symptom assessment in the Omaolo e-service to assess a single symptom or health problem. The symptom assessment provides you with care instructions and a recommendation on how to proceed.

Omaolo.fi is an electronic service channel for social welfare and health care to help you find the service you need quickly and without difficulty. The service is targeted for persons over 15 years of age, but some health and well-being check-ups available are also suited for those under the age of 15.

You can use Omaolo.fi to assess a single symptom or health issue. A symptom assessment can provide you with care instructions and recommendations on how to proceed at least with the following ailments:

  • lower back pain or injury

  • respiratory tract infection

  • coronavirus infection

  • painful or blocked ear

  • sore throat or throat symptom

  • heartburn

  • shoulder pain, stiffness, or injury

  • anal region symptom

  • knee symptom or injury

  • headache

  • diarrhoea

  • suspected sexually transmitted disease

  • discharge from the eye, watery or reddish eye

  • urinary tract infection


Updated 1.5.2021