For many people, type 2 diabetes or the risk thereof has been discovered in an occupational health check.
If the employment contract also covers medical treatment, it is typical for the type 2 diabetes care and monitoring to take place at the occupational health clinic. In that case, the responsibilities of the different parties should be recorded in the care plan. Who provides the diabetes-related lifestyle guidance or drug therapy guidance, where the treatment equipment is acquired from, etc.
Primarily, the medication for type 2 diabetes should include pharmaceutical products which support weight management, do not necessitate recurring blood sugar checks and do not result in the blood sugar level dropping too low. However, the person with diabetes should be provided with opportunities to eat regular healthy meals, take breaks from sitting down or unbalanced working positions and take part in office exercise.
Over the course of years, some people with type 2 diabetes will need insulin therapy. Working life should also be taken into account when designing the treatment and monitoring. Occupational health, which is responsible for assessing the employee’s ability to work and reviewing their work tasks, should also be made aware of any changes to the treatment.