From time to time, you may struggle to cope. This is perfectly normal, especially if there are other sources of stress in your life. The advice from family and relatives or health care professionals to take better care of yourself, well-meaning as it may be, may not be particularly helpful. It may even be counter-productive, if it makes you feel guilty.
In addition to care fatigue, the seriousness of diabetes as a condition, the risk of long-term complications related to diabetes as well as the challenging nature of self-management may cause psychological stress, depression and anxiety. There is a connection between diabetes and depression. Especially type 2 diabetes is related to an increased risk of depression. At the same time, depression is linked to a heightened risk of contracting type 2 diabetes.
On the other hand, mood and depression have an effect on our daily ability to cope, physical activity, lifestyle and implementation of self-management. Higher blood sugar levels and the “roller coaster” also involve fatigue, trouble concentrating and feelings of apathy. When your mind is well, life with diabetes is also smoother. Therefore, do not stay alone with your difficult emotional experiences, but talk about them with your nurse or doctor.