At the beginning of the guidance, individual's life situation, work, hobbies, lifestyle as well as eating and exercise habits are assessed so as to tailor the care to their daily routines as well as possible. At the early stage, it is often enough to be able to check the blood sugar levels, be familiar with and able to dose out the insulin products and know what to do if the blood sugar level drops too low or becomes alarmingly high.
Firsts steps into identifying carbohydrates in food and dosing the bolus insulin according to the amount are also taken right after diabetes diagnosis. Little by little, the knowledge and skills are applied to different situations in the daily life. Through continuous learning, knowledge about different aspects of treatment increases over time.
At the time of diagnosis, it is also recommendable to go through the possible feelings and fears arising from diabetes and its management. Being diagnosed with a life-long demanding health problem like type 1 diabetes is a time of crisis, which every person handles individually. If necessary, you can be referred to a psychologist.
Close relatives or friends can participate in the guidance if the individual wishes so.
The guidance and support for treatment continue throughout the entire life of a person with diabetes and are a key component of comprehensive diabetes care.