The realisation of self-monitoring, suitability of the medication, coping as well as eating and exercise habits are discussed as required usually 1–4 times per year. The frequency and content of the meetings are assessed based on individual needs and circumstances. The meetings also involve monitoring potential complications related to diabetes and the risk factors pertaining to them as well as supporting your ability to function and work.
What things are monitored in diabetes?
The topics discussed at care meetings include lifestyle, self-monitoring, medication and coping. The meetings also involve various examinations to monitor potential related complications and their risk factors.
Blood sugar balance
The results of blood sugar self-monitoring and their utilization
Intensified monitoring before the meeting
Use of glucose sensor and the related statistics
Glycated haemoglobin HbA1c
Insulin therapy
Is there any problems with injecting insulin or implementing insulin therapy?
The scope of injection sites and rotation
Condition of the injection sites? Are there any calluses or swelling?
How often there are hypos?
Has there been low blood sugars where you have required help from another person?
Other medication
Is the current medication appropriate?
Is there any issues with using the medication?
Weight and weight development
Body Mass Index (BMI)
The individual waistline
Blood pressure
Blood pressure measurement at the appointment
Determining the blood pressure level using self-measurements at home
Checking your blood pressure twice a day at 6–9 a.m. and at 6–9 p.m. on at least four days.
If blood pressure medication is in use, determining Serum Potassium and Serum Sodium
Eating rhythm, normal meal times and eating
Reconciling food and drug/insulin treatment
If necessary, a food diary
Types and times of exercise per week
Reconciling exercise and medication/insulin treatment
If necessary, and exercise diary and plan
How many units of alcohol per week?
Encouragement to quit smoking
If necessary, support for quitting
Mood and coping
Is there symptoms of
depression or anxiety?
care fatigue?
other psychological issues?
Is there a need for additional support for coping?
Blood fat levels (cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides)
Physical fitness
Pulse, listening to heart sounds and, if necessary, major blood vessels
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Strain imaging in the case of suspected coronary artery disease
Heart/chest x-ray and cardiac ultrasound in the case of suspected heart failure
Posture, skin, nails, nerves, blood circulation
Assessing the risk category of feet
Fundus photography or an examination by an eye specialist
Kidneys and urine
Protein in urine (albuminuria)
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
Clean urine sample in the case of infection symptoms
Teeth and mouth self-care guidance
A dentist or dental hygienist’s examination
Sexual health
Are there any issues regarding which you would like to get advice or treatment?
Other diseases / problems
Blood samples, individually:
Coeliac disease screening
Operation of the thyroid gland
Operation of the liver
B12 vitamin, if you are a long-term metformin user or if you have anaemia or nervous symptoms
Driving health
If you have a driving licence, are the health requirements pertaining to the vehicle class met?
Group 1 driving licence every 5 years at the minimum
Group 2 driving licence every 3 years at the minimum
If necessary, a doctor’s certificate for a driving licence
Medication reimbursements and social security
Kela reimbursement for the medication used – do you qualify for special reimbursement?
Are you entitled to a disability allowance?
Is a social worker’s report required?
What kind of effect does diabetes have on your ability to work?
How well do you manage to treat diabetes at work?
Memory functions
Memory tests in the case of suspected memory disorder
Is there need for an adaptation course for intensified guidance and support?
Is rehabilitation required?
Updated 30.9.2023