Depending on the individual, the normal amount of protein required is around 1.1–1.4 g per kg or 10% to 20% of the energy intake. One gram of protein contains 4 kcal.
High protein intake puts a strain on the kidneys, and you should avoid excessive protein intake, especially if there are signs of kidney dysfunction.
The effect of protein on blood sugar
After a meal rich in protein, it takes longer for the blood sugar to rise and the effect is longer lasting. In this case, you can take bolus insulin either after the meal or in two batches: some at the start of the meal, and the rest later on. Pump therapy can utilise extended or combination bolus. With a hybrid pump, you can divide the doses into two by dividing the carbohydrates entered in the dose guide into two. However, there are great individual differences, and it is necessary to keep checking your blood pressure.
In addition to the quantity of carbohydrates, there has been research into bolus insulin formulas which take into account protein or fat, but these methods are arduous. What’s more, their suitability and practical benefits for therapy purposes are unclear.
If, after a meal rich in protein, your blood sugar is high before the next meal, you can correct it with a small correction bolus insulin dose.