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Screening for diabetic retinopathy

Everyone with diabetes should have the back surfaces of their eyes regularly examined, either using photography or at a doctor’s appointment.

A colour photograph of a healthy fundus.

The screening implementation method depends on the symptoms and other eye diseases. Fundus photography is a scientifically proven sensitive method to establish retinal changes.

The purpose of a screening scan is to identify first retinal changes, monitor their potential progress and, if necessary, direct the person to an eye specialist for an assessment of the need for treatment. In Finland, there is a national recommendation for fundus photography screening, in accordance with which fundus photography is performed every 1–3 years, depending on the type of diabetes and the severity of retinal changes.

Screening recommendation

Groups to screen

Screening interval

Individuals with type 1 diabetes, who were diagnosed under the age of 10

From the age of 10 onwards, every other year as long as the finding is normal. After changes are established, once annually or more frequently.

Individuals with type 1 diabetes, who were diagnosed after the age of 10

At the diagnosis stage and then every other year as long as the finding is normal. After changes are established, once annually or more frequently.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes

At the diagnosis stage and then every 3 years as long as the finding is normal. Every 2 years, if minor changes are discovered. Annually or more frequently, if more changes occur.

Pregnant individuals

When planning for pregnancy or right at the start of pregnancy. During pregnancy according to the degree or retinopathy, condition of the kidneys and blood pressure. More frequently than normal for a year after pregnancy, if moderate changes are discovered. Fundus monitoring is not required for gestational diabetes.

Source: Current Care Guideline for Diabetic retinopathy, Duodecim.

Updated 30.9.2023